Samstag, 15. Juni 2013

The Blacklist of money making offers

some examples:

Just scams:

- 99,9 %  of ALL roulette systems!  

(I have 20 years of roulette system research expierience, saying this. As soon I'll have a reliable system, that constantly brings winnings, I would sell it. But all systems i found in the internet are traps and scams. Most of the sellers want only to earn commission from casino when you loos your deposit. This is the reason they "recommend" you casinos, by clickling the recommended links, they earn as affiliates if you loose. They earn if you loose money. So the sell you systems which can run good for some hours or even days or even weeks, until the shur crach happens. Only some few systems may make you some money, but they are very time consuming compared to the earning amount.
Good examples of online Casinos see whiteliste.

Here is a good balcklist of scammers:

  95 - 99% of Binary Options Signal services and Robots are scam, even a lot of non scam Brokers will try to get as much as possible out of your creditcard just to let you lose sooner or later over time all you paid in.

Lying, just coldly and immorally lying you in the eyes:

- Autobinarycode (free automated forex options trading programm). They are affiliates of the deposit broker. So they earn if you loose your deposit. The system   ..... more here follow in some days...
It is the same offer like autobinaryEA. It's a scam. Point.
in German:
AutobinaryEA oder AutobinaryCode  ist ein Betrug, sie gewinnen als Affiliates des Brokers daran, dass du deine Einlagen, die du ja machen musst, um mit der Software zu traden, verlierst.

Hier eine Review Seite:

- Mobile Money Code System: a lot of follow sellings, You thought, it is just one buy neccessary, but they want you to buy programmes and tools for several hundred $ to be fully able to run the code.
by no means so easy to make money as video suggests.

 - Turn Key Commissions; a lot of follow sellings, You thought, it is just one buy neccessary, but they want you to buy programmes and tools for several hundred $ to be fully able to run the code.
by no means so easy to make money as video suggests.

- Gary Ambrose : all offers provided by Gary Ambrose. His job seems to be to just collect all this scams and lying offers and making money with misleading people with bad offers.

and so on and so far with most of simmilar offers.

Old - no longer usefull - not worth the money

Google Sniper 2: not up to date, used to make hard work to get $. Not as easy as suggested in the video.

Why this blog?

Hi, my name is Lucien Jamin, I'm swiss and a just opened this blog because I am TIRED of all those lying making easy money online offers, most of them from professional US Online marketers, which have only one purpose, take as much money from your pocket as possible with any lie possible.

My english is only from scool and later exercise. In scool it was not main subject, so I'm sorry for the mistakes.

1. make a blacklist of as much as possible scam and lying offers
2. make a whitelist of really good money making offers
3. becoming a plattform for open and honest reviews and critics and discussion of money making offers
4. I want to build my newsletter list because I plan to give out daily sport betting tips  and daily forex tips as an investement and income possibility.

You are invited to share your opinion in the comments.